Class Action Lawsuits

Consumers face devastating consequences when businesses engage in unfair business practices or unethical conduct. Often the stakes for any one individual are small, but the company profits greatly by cheating thousands of people using the same practice.  Because the loss is small, many people do not protest, let alone sue. Over time, many companies perceive the lack of objection as permission, the small loses add up, and the consumer loses.  It does not have to be that way.

Fortunately, state and federal laws are enacted to protect your rights and allow consumers the ability to aggregate similar claims with those of others.  When many people are harmed in a similar manner, you may have the right to bring a class action. Instead of one voice demanding a company treat people fairly, you can amplify your complaint through the voice of thousands. The ability to bring a class action allows consumers the unique opportunity to police improper corporate conduct and protect others from being harmed in the future.

The Marshall Law Firm has extensive class action experience, including cases such as:

Contact the Marshall Law Firm Today

If you feel have been wronged by a company and believe others are being wrong in a similar way, schedule a free consultation today. Call 925-575-7105 or submit your complaint online. Most cases are taken on a contingency basis.